관리 메뉴

Only One Kang

[대학과제 - 영어I] Select Reading(Upper-Intermediate) 1과-2 본문

학교생활/[KOREATECH] 한국기술교육대학교

[대학과제 - 영어I] Select Reading(Upper-Intermediate) 1과-2

Domain93 2012. 3. 15. 03:39


 Today's questions that must be answered.

1. What is the noun of the verb 'discover' and 'improve'?

2. What is the subject of the sentence "How did a university ~ are considered now?"?

3. Do you think that Hurley and Chen was in a hurry to develop their venture??

4. How do you think that they became the industry leaders? Please show 5 lists.

5. Why do you think that Hurley and Chen created YouTube?

6. How did YouTube get a number of its audience?

7. What does 'it' in the line of 62 on page 4 indicate?

8. Why do you think that people keep coming back to YouTube?

9. Please translate line 65-68 into Korean.

10. Please explain Hurley's academic background.

11. What does 'them' in the line of 72 on page 5 indicate?

12. Do you think that YouTube's success was only because of a situation where many external events happened suddenly and simultaneously? If not, please give me the reason why you think it is not true.

13. What is the meaning of the phrase "a company that was right for the times" in Korean?

14. What does 'one' in the line of 76 on page 5 indicate?

15. What is the meaning of the original verb 'meant' and how can you pronounce it?

16. Please translate line 77-80 into Korean.

17. Please translate line 83-85 into Korean.


The words that you know

1. be interested in 2. dropout 3. upload 4. prioritizing 5. Viral

6. give away promotion -- 판촉행사, 경품 행사 7. at an exponential rate -- 기하급수적인 비율로 8. due to 9. perfect storm -- 엄청난 격변 10. bandwidth

11. be out to do --- do 하도록 애써다 12. test the waters --전후 사정을 살피다, 형편을 고려하다 12. lose sight of -- forget about 13. all the while 그 동안 14. outlive 15. fad =fashion *faddict =fad addict 16. die down 17 face 18. call the shots = make an important decision


Today's grammar that you must understand

1. 조동사 + have + pp Example: might not have been

2. You must understand the relative clause like 'who' and 'which'.

3. by --ing 4. not --- only --- 5. Passive voice 6. It ~ for someone to verb

 Discussion: What kinds of advantage in your personality do you have if you are successful in future?


Today's questions that must be answered.

1. discovery, improvemnet

2. University

3. No, I don't. According to their comment, they were not in a hurry. And they were just

interested in building their community.

4. User-oriented, Unique, Viral, Well-timed, Focused

5. To make uploading and sharing videos online as easy as anyone could want.

q)6. By prioritizing its users' needs and being as easy and interactive

7. From long-lost' 80s music videos to political speeches to the current events of today.

8. Because people who visit YouTube are guaranteed to find unique videos, they keep coming back to YouTube.

9. 나날이 아이팟 나노의 증정품을 광고하는 것에서 부터 어느 웹사이트에서나 제시될 수 있는, 링크로 되돌아 갈 수 있는 외부의 비디오에 이르기까지 Hurley 와 Chen은 기하급수적인 비율로 계속 성장할 수 있는 발판을 마 련했다.

10. After graduating from Twin Valley highschool in 1995 he enrolled in the Indiana University of Pennsylvania to pursue bachelor's degree in fine art.

11. Perfect storm of environmental factors.

12. 그렇게 생각하지 않는다. 그들이 성공할 수 있었던 이유는 자신 분야에 대한 열정과 어떤 문제가 발생했을 때 그것을 해결하려는 노력 그리고 기발한 아이디어. 이렇게 많은 요소들이 작용한 것 같다.

13. 올바른 시기에 회사를 창설했다.

14. sustainable business

15. mean[mi:n]

16. 그리고 광고에 과도하게 페이지나 비디오를 싣는 대신에, 그들은 조심스러웠으며 광고가 효력을 발휘할지 어디서 그 효력이 발휘될지를 테스트했다.

17. 유튜브는 전 시대를 통틀어 가장 빠르게 성장하는 비디오 사이트가 되었고, 차츰 잦아들 또 다른 십대의 유행이라 불리는 비평가의 주장보다 오래간다.




