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Only One Kang

[대학과제 - 영어I] Select Reading (Upper-Intermediate) 2과-1 본문

학교생활/[KOREATECH] 한국기술교육대학교

[대학과제 - 영어I] Select Reading (Upper-Intermediate) 2과-1

Domain93 2012. 3. 15. 03:41


Today's questions that must be answered.

1. What is the purpose of this author's writing?

2. Do you think that Korean language has a word of feminine noun? If you know anything, please share it with your group.

3. What is the verb of the noun 'conclusion'?

4. What is the antonym of the word 'male'?

5. What is the antonym of the word 'masculine'?

6. In line 13, what is the meaning of the sentence "In Mandarine Chinese, a man ... a man."?

7. Would you please explain the common feature of the following words?

teacheress soldieress ministress

8. What is 'ones' in the line of 19 indicating in the textbook?

9. Please translate line 17 through 19 into Korean.

10. Please summarize the section of "the paired nouns are OK" on page 16.

11. What is the past and p. p of the verb 'mean'?

12. Have you ever used gender specific nouns in English? Please figure out at least two words as gender specific nouns that your textbook doesn't show.

13. Why do you think English speakers use female-specific nouns less frequently now than they used to? Please list your ideas or your group's ideas more than three.

The words that you know

1. obsolete 2. unobjectionable, objectionable

Today's grammar that you must understand

1. It is important (common, natural, useful etc) to 동사원형

2. used to 동사원형 3. refer to 명사

4. Even though 주어 동사, = Despite 명사,

  Discussion: Talk about language and your thought. What is this relationship?


1. minimize the potential for readers to draw conclusions you don't want to convey

2. 여배우, 개그우먼, 커리어우먼

3. conclude

4. female

5. effeminate

6. 남자는 결혼하는 것이다. 그러나 여성은 결혼되는 것이다.

7. 단어의미에 "female"이 들어가 있다.

8. female-specific nouns

9. 영어는 대부분의 이와같이 여성을 나타내는 명사를 버렸다는 사실은 아마도 남아있는 여 성을 나타내는 명사가 주의를 끄는 경향이 있는 부분입니다.

10. 성을 평등하게 다루기 위해선 남자와 여자를 나타내는 각각의 단어들이 있는 것이


11. meant / meant

12. currear man ↔ currear woman

13. (1) 남녀를 차별하는 인식이 줄어들었다.

(2) 여성들의 사회적 진출이 많아졌다. (여성이 직업을 가지는 것은 일반적이다.)

(3) 직업이 세분화 되면서 많은 직업들이 생겨남
