관리 메뉴

Only One Kang

[대학과제 - 영어I] 영어 2-2 본문

학교생활/[KOREATECH] 한국기술교육대학교

[대학과제 - 영어I] 영어 2-2

Domain93 2012. 4. 2. 19:38




Name: Student ID: Class Number:

Today's questions that must be answered.

1. What is the meaning of the part "one term that can refer to either sex, and another that refers only to women" in the line 36-37?

2. Why do you think the word "author and "authoress" are brought to your textbook? Please explain the reason that you understand.

3. What does "the marked term" mean in the line 45?

4. Look at the sentence 45 beginning with Sally McConnellGinet? What is the subject of the sentence? And also what is the verb of the subject?

5. Please explain the difference between the group of "author" and "doctor."

6. What is the noun of the verb 'advise' and 'choose'?

7. You need to understand the sentence grammatically from the line 53 to 54.

8. What is the verb of the line 56 through 57?

9. Please fill in the blank of the below sentence not to hurt the sentence in your textbook.

The guideline ________ ________ suggested in Garner’s Modern American Usage and The Merriam-Webster Dictionary of English Usage is to avoid using a gender-specific noun ________ sex is ________ relevant to the discussion.

10. Can you find the sentence "Usually it isn't" in the line 58? Can you add a word to be understandable? Usually it isn't ___________.

11. In line 61, there's a gramma like 'it is useful for someone to verb. I think you need to understand such kind of sentence. Plus, please translate the following Korean sentence into English with the grammar usage.

그녀가 이메일을 사용하는 것은 편리합니다.

12. What is the verb and adjective of the word 'distinction'?

13. What is the difference between the word group 'author - authoress' and 'actor - actress'? Please explain it.

14. Please translate line 69-72. 15. Please translate line 76-77.

The words that you know

1. troublesome cf: fearsome (--some: 형용사, ~하기쉬운) 2. refer to 명사

3. exclusively 4. analogous = similar 5. connotation =implication, 함의, 함축적 의미

6. devalue 7. across the board = 전반적으로, 대체적으로, 전체적으로 8. follow suit = 전례를 따르다 9. assess = 평가하다 10. get across 전달되다

Today's grammar that you must understand

1. be worth --ing = be worthy of 명사 2. either A or B

3. If 주어 동사 ..., 주어 동사 ...

현재 미래, 현재 혹은 명령문 가능

4. avoid ---ing enjoy ---ing stop ---ing

5. end up ---ing 어쩔 수 없이 (결국) ---하는 처지에 직면한다

Discussion: Have you experienced that you made your friends or family sad because of your language? Talk about it with your group.

